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Photo: Julia Ochs

Felix Heidenreich, a political scientist and philosopher, is a scientific coordinator at the University of Stuttgart. He teaches Political Theory in the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Stuttgart. He is also a Research Associate at the CEVIPOF (Centre de recherches politiques de Sciences Po), Paris.

He graduated in Philosophy from the University of Paris IV (La Sorbonne) and in Political Sciences from the Freie Universität Berlin (Otto-Suhr Institute, OSI). His PhD thesis in Philosophy  from the University of Heidelberg is about the German philosopher Hans Blumenberg (the printing of which was supported by the FAZIT-Stiftung). From September 2017 to June 2018 he was invited as Alfred Grosser Visiting Professor at Sciences Po where he was attached to the CEVIPOF Paris and taught on the Campus of Sciences Po in Nancy. In 2019 he finished his “Habilitation” (akin to a second doctorate) with a thesis on the relation between Democracy and Sustainability. His inaugural lecture was entitled “The Embodiment of Democracy”.

The printing of his PhD thesis was supported by the FAZIT-Stiftung. In 2013 he was awarded the Essay-Prize of the Forschungsinstitut für Philosophie Hannover. In 2014 he won the Essay-Prize of the University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt; Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes académiques in 2017. He won the Best Paper Award of the interdisciplinary journal GAIA in 2018. For the year of 2019 he was awarded the Manfred Rommel Research grant of the City of Stuttgart.

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